Looking to book a party for your child at the London Aquatics Centre, then look no further! We offer great water-based parties and catering afterwards to ensure that your child has an enjoyable experience.
Aqua Run Inflatable Party
The Aqua Run Inflatable Party is set up in the training pool with one half of the pool having an inflatable aqua run and the other half of the pool set up as a disco with floats.
Child minimum age: 8
Length: 45 minutes in pool, 15 minutes to change
Maximum people: 50
Cost: £375

Swim Disco Party
The Swim Disco Party is set up in one half of the training pool and has floats in the water as well as music and lighting.
Session Availability
Child minimum age: 3
Length: 45 minutes in pool, 15 minutes to change
Maximum people: 50
Cost: £300
Our swimming pool parties are only available on Saturdays and Sundays from 4pm.
Bespoke parties on our Atlantis Inflatables are available on request.
Food and party space can be ordered and confirmed by contacting londonaquaticscentrevend@everyoneactive.com